Changes to Promotion/Relegation System


We did a lot of chat over email about changing the promotion/relegation system, and it looks like we have 7 owners on board, but I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page.

The Problem

The Bronze Division is a death sentence, and the the high draft picks each year are not enough to overcome the systemic disadvantages of the promotion/relegation system.

The Solution

We can keep the Gold/Silver/Bronze system and the playoff seeding that goes with it (3 teams from the Gold, 2 teams from the Silver, and 1 team from the Bronze) if we get rid of the salary cap differences and the extra franchise tags.

Instead of promotion/relegation happening due to head to head competition, the divisions will be determined by All-Play record (for the regular season, which would be weeks 1-14). Based on this all-play record, the top-4 teams would advance to the Gold division, the next 4 to the Silver, and the bottom four teams would be in the Bronze division.


We can decide if we like the playoff seeding as is, or if we want to do something like Enright suggested, which would be to give the top-2 Gold teams the bye, and then seed the remaining four playoff teams based on record (tiebreaker: H2H). Sometimes this would prevent the annual Silver-Silver playoff game in the first round.

We also have to decide on a salary cap. I think $400 seems good because it’s based on a previous model of $10/roster position. It also means nobody would be losing cap space heading into 2021.

Please Vote

Do you support the move to adjust the promotion/relegation system so that we get rid of cap inequities and create divisions based on All-Play record?

  • Yes (100%, 7 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 7

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How should playoff seeding occur?

  • Go with Enright's plan where the top-2 Gold teams get first round byes and the remaining teams are seeded based on record. (100%, 7 Votes)
  • Keep the current system where Gold teams are seeded 1-3, Silver teams 4-5, and the Bronze team is the 6-seed. (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 7

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Are you good with a $400 salary cap in 2021 and beyond?

  • Yes (100%, 7 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 7

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© 2021, Josh Hammond. All rights reserved.

About Josh Hammond 231 Articles
Commissioner. Three-time champion (2011, 2016, 2018.) Keeper of spreadsheets.


  1. Was it really my plan? I actually think that was Adams idea … just thought I’d mention that since I haven’t decided how I’m going to vote in that particular issue haha

  2. Not sure how I feel about that (given the schedule structure).

    So are the teams who make the playoffs still the same (Gold 3, Silver 2, Bronze 1) it’s just they’re seeding based on actual record? This is what I assume and I’d be ok with that. Or do overall records matter for playoff berths? In other words, could all 4 Bronze teams somehow make the playoffs? See the distinction im getting at?

    • We’re still continuing the playoff qualifiers: 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze.

      So no, four Bronze teams cannot make the playoffs. However, if they were stud teams with awesome all-play records, they could all be promoted to the Gold division the following year and thus have a better chance at making the playoffs.

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