Colliders Apply Franchise Tag to Derrick Henry

The Colliders finally decided to sign their bellcow running back Derrick Henry to one more season. Odds are he’d command more than the $65 franchise tag on the open market.

“We wanted to have two running backs rostered before free agency. Given his age and injury history, we’ll obviously be looking to add depth,” said Hammond, resigned to the knowledge that Henry will surely miss some or most of the season since he costs so much money.

Some consider this a “panic buy” given the unprecedented availability of top-tier running backs in free agency this year. Still, most teams have a ton of cash to burn, so the Colliders wanted to make sure they had at least one of the backs.

“Henry is listed among the top backs, despite his injury,” said Hammond. “I’m generally ahead of the curve on these things, and I feel last season may have been the beginning of the end. I hope I’m wrong and all the experts are right.”

The Colliders have no hope of drafting a running back at 1.07, so the signing makes sense from a scarcity model. But was the signing made out of fear?

“Yes,” said Hammond. “I’ll freely admit that. Fingers crossed, em-effers, fingers crossed.”

© 2022, Josh Hammond. All rights reserved.

About Josh Hammond 231 Articles
Commissioner. Three-time champion (2011, 2016, 2018.) Keeper of spreadsheets.

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